Sunday, July 17, 2011


Basically all the Bot Bits are pdfs that have a security lock on them. The kids will have to unlock the pdfs with a passcode to view them. LILBOT gives them the first passcode. From then on they will find a passcode on the back of each BOT that they find that will open the next BOT BIT.

Here is the first BOT BIT:

At first glance, it's a simple maze. But look closely and you'll see that the lines are actually made of microtext. There is a story hidden in the maze. The story is a bit long to repeat here but it's basically about a little girl who finds a pile of the King's bones in the forest. The King was vaporized by a giant robot while on a hunt. The girl collects the bones in a bag and meets a wolf, a bear and a lion on the way to the kingdom. The grieving Queen rewards the girl and the animals and tells the girl that the answer she seeks is inside the King's bag of bones.

There is a book titled Bag of Bones written by Stephen King that I have a hardcover of. I made a book safe out of it, cutting the inside pages and gluing the edges with watered down wood glue. Inside waits the first bot, BOOKBOT.

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